Ordinary Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and International Criminal Law at the Law School of the University of Athens, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg), Member of the Scientific Council of the Greek Parliament.

1972-1977 : Law Studies at the University of  Athens

1977-1980 : Postgraduate Studies at the University of Saabrücken (Germany)

1981: Doctor Juris of the University of Saabrücken (summa cum laude).

1985: Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Athens

1985: Research Fellow at the Institute of Criminal Studies of the University of Munich-Germany (Alexander von Humboldt – Fellowship)

1991-4: Visiting  Professor of International and European Criminal Law at the Law School of the University of Munich (after invitation of Professor Dr. h.c. (mult.) Claus Roxin)

Since 1996: Ordinary Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Athens

2012: Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

2013: Co editor of the Festschrift von Hans Heiner Kühne zum 70. Geburtstag, C. F. Müller Verlag, Heidelgerg etc. , 2013.

Works of him have been translated into French, Italian, Turkish, Japanese and Chinese.

Christos Mylonopoulos has represented Greece repeatedly before the European Communities and the Council of Europe in issues of Criminal Law. He has participated as invited speaker in many national and international meetings, e.g. Montreal, Washington, Salerno, Budapest, Constantinople, and  he has given lectures and organized Seminars concerning Criminal Law in Frankfurt (twice), Freiburg (Max Planck Institute for International and  Foreign Criminal Law), Munich (Law School), Laxemburg/Vienna (International Academy against Corruption) etc. He was a member of the Working Group which has elaborated the International Convention for the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities (known as Convention P.I.F.), member of many legislative Committees and President of three legislative Committees in Greece, among them the Scientific Committee for the elaboration of the New Greek Criminal Code. Furthermore he was for 2 years (2001-2003) Member of the Supreme Special Court of Art.100 of the Greek Constitution and Member of the Supreme Disciplinary Court as well. He has introduced the International Criminal Law into the Law School of the Athens University and has written a book about it.

He works also as Attorney before the Supreme Court of Greece (Areios Pagos) and he teaches Criminal Law at the National Magistrates School of Greece. He is co-editor of the special Criminal Review: Poinikos Logos, published in Athens, member of the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal, member of the Greek Criminal Law Society, member of the Association of Greek Criminal Lawyers. Finally, is member of the International Committee of the Hans-Sigrist Prize, in Bern (Switzerland).

He has written 9 books on criminal law and numerous artikles in the field of criminal law , criminal procedure and international criminal law.

Awards and Fellowships

  1. Edward Martin Award for Best Doctor Thesis of the year 1981 of the University of    Saabrücken.
  2. DAAD Fellowship, 1977-1979
  3. Alexander von Humboldt- Stiftung Fellowship, 1985-1987
  4. Prize of the Union of the Greek Criminal Lawyers (1988)



He has published several books and works in German, Greek and English Language. The most significant of them are the following:



I.1.In German language

  1. Über das Verhältnis zwischen Handlungs- und Erfolgsunwert im Strafrecht, Köln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1982 (in German)
  2. Komparative und Dispositionsbegriffe im Strafrecht, München 1996, Lang Verlag (in German)

I.2. In Greek language

  1. Die Erfolgsqualifizierten Delikte. Dogmatische Grundlegung, Athens 1984, 400 pp.
  2. International Criminal Law, 2. ed. Athens 1993
  3. Criminal Law. The General Part, Bd I, Athens 2007, 750 pp.,  Bd II Athens 2008,  400pp.
  4. Criminal Law. The Special Part .  2nd ed. 2006 (760 pp.),
  5. Offences concerning Documents, Athens 2005 (150 pp.)
  6. Computers and Criminal Law Athens 1988
  7. Applications of Criminal Law , Athens 1997




II.  Articles

II.1. In German language

  1. Das Verhältnis von Vorsatz und Fahrlässigkeit und der Grundsatz in dubio pro reo, ZStW 1987, p. 700f.
  2. Internationalisierung des Strafrechts und Strafrechtdogmatik Legitimationsdefizit und Anarchie als Hauptcharakteristika der Strafrechtsnormen mit internationalem Einschlag, ZStW 121 (2009) Heft 1, S. 68 ff.
  3. Strafrechtsdogmatik in Europa nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon – Zur materiellen Legitimation des Europäischen Strafrechts, ZStW 123 (2011), S. 633 ff. .
  4. Die „Vernunft des rechtstreuen Bürgers“ als Freiwilligkeitskriterium beim Rücktritt vom unbeendeten Versuch, σε: Imme Roxin Festschr. 2012, S.    ff. .
  5. Zur Strafbarkeit der Leugnung historischer Tatsachen, in Kühl-Festschrift, 2104, p. 553 ff.
  6. Versuchsbeginn und Mittäterschaft, Goltdammer’s Archiv für Strafrecht 2011, S. 462 ff. .
  7. Die Endgültigkeit der Enteigung als Merkmal des Unterschlagungstatbestandes, in: Roxin Festschrift 2001, p. 917 ff.
  8. Dogmatische Grunderfordernisse eines Allgemeinen Teils aus griechischer Sicht, in: Hirsch (ed.), Krise des Strafrechts und der Kriminalwissenschaften?, Berlin 2001, p. 174 ff.
  9. Telekommunikationsüberwachung nach Griechischem Strafrecht, Fasikül 2010, σελ.. 13 επ. ( in German and turkish translation)
  10. Zur Möglichkeit einer theoretischen Begründung des plea bargaining, in: Kühne-Festschrift, 2013, p. 259 ff..
  11. Vorsatz als Dispositionsbegriff, in Frisch-Festschrift, p. 218 ff.

II.2. In English and French

  1. Corporate Criminal Liability and Greek Law, Revue Hellénique de Droit International 2010, p. 471 ccp.(in English)
  2. The Greek legislation against corruption (lecture given on may 16, 2014 in English)
  3. The Greek Criminal Procedure, in: Christine van den Wyngaert (ed.) in : European Criminal Procedures. 1994, p. 163 ff. (in English)
  4. Computer- related crimes in Greece. Substantive Law aspects in: RHDI 1994, p. 121 ff. (in English)
  5. L’ιnfluence du droit communautaire  sur  le droit  pénal grec, in : La protection juridique des interêts financiers de la Communauté,. Bruxelles  1989 p. 251 ff.(in French)






II.3. In Greek language

  1. On the problem of the subjective elements of justification, in: Poinika Chronika 1978, p. 561 ff.
  2. The criminal protection of software in greek criminal law, in: Poinika Chronika 1988, p. 3 ff.
  3. Embezzlement as co-punished post offence, in: Poinika Chronika 1989, p. 284 ff
  4. The possibility of legal consequences as element of the actus reus of forgery, in: Poinika Chronika 1989, p. 268 ff.
  5. Dispositional concepts and criminal law, in: Yperaspisi  1993, p. 243 ff
  6. The warding of the criminal rule and the true intention of the historical legislator, in: Poinika Chronika 1993, p. 353 ff.
  7. The contribution of the decision theory to the assessment of the pecuniary damage in criminal law, in: Poinika Chronika 1994, p. 705 ff.
  8. Foreign criminal decision and ne bis in idem principle, in: Poinika Chronika 1996, p. 727 ff.
  9. The ne bis in idem principle and article 13 para 7 of the international treaty of human and political rights, in: Poinikos Logos 2001, p. 1157 ff.
  10. Eventual intention and fuzzy logic. An attempt of dispositional analysis, in: Poinikos Logos 2003, p. 451 ff.
  11. The fraud against the European Communities, in: Poinikos Logos 2004, p. 7 ff
  12. Attempt in co-activity, in: Benakis Festschrift 2008, p. 385 ff.
  13. Report on the bill concerning the European arrest warrant for the Greek Parliament, in: Reports of the Scientific Commision of the Parliament, p. 1 ff.
  14. Theory, practice and legal ethics, in: Poinikos Logos 2002, p. 87 ff.
  15. European criminal law and the general principles of the criminal law, in: Poinika Chronika 2008, p. 206 ff.
  16. The problem of the victims contributory fault in the fraud, in: Poinika Chronika 1986, p. 561.
  17. The place of the Commission of the offence as a problem of the international Criminal Law, in: Νomiko Vima 1988,  p. 285 ff
  18. Facts and personal assessments as objects of the testimony in the criminal trial. in: Poinika Chronika  1989 ,  p. 673 ff.
  19. The influence of community law in Greek criminal law. Yperaspisi  1991, p. 1061ff.
  20. The summoning of the president of the Polytecnique School in: Yperaspisi 1992, p. 439 ff.
  21. The principal of speciality  in extradition . Poinika Chronika 1993, p.117 ff.
  22. The criminal protection of the environment in Greek Criminal Law in: Law and Nature 1994, p. 423 ff.
  23. The motivation of the criminal decision by the court and the criminal in: Poinika Chronika 1994, p. 433 ff.
  24. Robbery against the public sector and fraud committed by omission . Poinika Chronika 1997, p. 1105 ff.
  25. Τ.Ι.R convention and attempt of smuggling in: Baumann – Spinellis (ed), Mangakis – Fest  1999, p. 361 ff.
  26. Act, omission and acceptance as elements of the actus  rens of the extortion in: Poinikos  Logos 2001, p. 241 ff.
  27. The Extradition Convention between the USA and the European Union in: Poinikos Logos 2003.
  28. The  endangerment of human rights in the new international environment in: Νomiko Vima 2004, p. 769 ff.
  29. Criminal dogmatic and internationalization of criminal justice Progress or retreat ? in: Poinika Chronika 2004, p. 265.
  30. Report on the bill concerning the money laundering for the Greek Parliament, 1995, in: reports of the scientific Commission of  Parliament, p. 227.
  31. The European Warrant of  Arrest : Poinikos Logos 2003, p. 2259 ff.